Clear Quartz Mala/Prayer set


Classically, Clear Quartz stones are thought of a colorless, candle-shaped hexagonal prismatic crystals with relatively smooth sides and naturally faceted terminations at one or both ends. They come in varying degrees of clarity from water-clear to densely clouded. Clear Quartz is sometimes called “Rock Crystal” and is the stone most often thought of when the term ‘Quartz’ is used. The name comes from the Greek for ‘ice’, and some of the ancients believed that Quartz crystal was water frozen so hard it could never thaw. 

Quartz crystal exhibits the property of piezoelectricity, by which it can transform mechanical energy (e.g., pressure) into electromagnetic energy, and vice versa. This makes it useful in such devices as crystal radios, microphones, watches, radio transmitters, etc. 

Clear Quartz is by far the most versatile and multidimensional stone in the mineral realm! Three of its key properties are energy amplification, programmability, and memory. This stone is also a stone of Light, bringing heightened spiritual awareness to whoever wears, carries or meditates with it. It provides a clear corridor for the higher vibrational frequencies of the realm of the spirit to be transmitted and translated into the world of physical form. Sleeping with a clear quartz can enhance the vividness of dreams, and holding one will often deepen one’s experiences in meditation. 

Clear Quartz can be used to amplify the energies of other stones or to blend and enhance the energies of groups of stones. This makes Clear Quartz the ideal ‘base’ material for energy tools such as wands, staffs, templates, etc. These crystals are also ideal for making energy grids-patterned layouts of crystals on the ground or floor, within which one can sit or lie in order to receive the energies generated by the combination of the Quartz on the geometric form of the grid. The energies of any other stone placed in the grid pattern will also be amplified by the quartz. 

Because this stone is such an indiscriminate amplifier of what energies surround or enter it, it can collect an unusually large amount of psychic debris. This makes it necessary for one to periodically ‘clear’ or ‘cleanse’ the stone. This can be done in several ways. One may soak the crystal overnight in a saltwater solution, cover the crystal with dry salt for a few days, bury the crystal in the ground place, it in the sun, wave sage smoke around it or hold it in running water. In all cases, one is advised to focus the intention for clearing and cleaning in the center of the crystal. A happy side effect of this is that it will also serve to clear and cleanse one’s own personal energies at the same time!